
Safety & Security Training

“It won’t happen to us”. This phrase is used to rationalize not training employees or under training. This is also the most dangerous phrase. Training provides not only the physical information you and your employees need to prevent and react to a situation but training such as our active armed intruder program help you and your employees emotionally process an event so that fear is minimized and training processes can take place effectively.

Every workplace needs training. You train your employees on day to day tasks and workplace procedures but do you have an updated plan on fire, shootings and security disturbances? Can you and your employees recognise the signs of workplace violence before an incident takes place. Do you have an action plan to care for a situation following all local, state and federal guidelines? Employers often have a general guideline tucked away in their policy and procedures but DC Investigations and Security brings that information directly to you to keep a workplace running smoothly, protect employees from harm and insulate against liability in the case of an incident.

Contact Us Today!!

You can reach DC Investigations & Security at 719-696-9516
or visit us at 1045 West 6th Street Pueblo, Colorado 81003 for more information on how we can help you.

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